============================================================================== 5733XJ1 IBM i Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package 1.1.0 (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2022. All rights reserved. ============================================================================== This document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. IBM disclaims all warranties, whether expressed or implied, including without limitation, the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability with respect to the information in this document. By furnishing this document, IBM grants no licenses to any patents or copyrights. =============================================================================== This document was last updated on: October 17, 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Location of Information Sources 3.0 Installation 3.1 Supported Windows Operating Systems 3.2 Installation Considerations 3.3 Upgrading from IBM i Access for Windows 3.4 Running the Install 3.5 Action Required After Installing Printer Driver 3.6 64-bit hardware installation considerations 3.7 Installation logs 4.0 IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries .NET Provider Requirements 5.0 Microsoft XML Parser or Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 Advanced Installation Information 6.1 Licensed Product Information 6.2 Language Files in the Installation Image 6.3 Install Features 6.4 Command line options 6.5 Public Properties 6.6 Burning Administrative Images to CD or DVD 7.0 Policy Information 8.0 Commands Not Included ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------- This package is part of the 5733XJ1 IBM i Access Client Solutions product. You can use IBM i Access Client Solutions to connect to any supported IBM i release. This package contains functions that are only available on Windows operating systems. It is based on 7.1 IBM i Access for Windows product but does not contain all of the features. The features included in this package from IBM i Access for Windows are: .NET Data Provider ODBC OLE DB Secure Socket Layer and Certificate Management Programmer's Toolkit for Headers, Libraries and Documentation AFP Printer Driver Required Programs including: APIs Active X Security Serviceability Connections NLS enablement Conversion tables Properties Policies Network Printing Subset of commands (See Section 8.0 for a list of what is not included.) User's Guide Use of Application Administration to control access to function in the package The following features from IBM i Access for Windows are not included in this package. The platform-independent IBM i Access Client Solution package includes a replacement for these features: 5250 Display and Printer Emulation Data Transfer Data Transfer Excel Add-in Operations Console The following features from IBM i Access for Windows are not included in this package. IBM Navigator for i includes a replacement for these features: System i Navigator AFP Workbench Viewer Incoming Remote Command is not included. The replacement is to use Microsoft's Remote Desktop Services. Toolbox for Java is also not included. Use the following website for download information: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/software/toolbox/index.html Other features from IBM i Access for Windows not included in this package are: SCS Printer Driver Java Programmer's Tools for System i Navigator plug-ins Directory Update Lotus 123 File Format Support Check Service Level Because the content of this package also ships with 7.1 IBM i Access for Windows, the documentation and versioning often reflects 7.1 IBM i Access for Windows in the User's Guide, Programmer's Toolkit, help text and messages but is also applicable to IBM i Access Client Solutions - Windows Application Package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 Location of Information Sources ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Changes to IBM i Access Client Solutions including supported operating systems, updates, restrictions, significant known problems, new information and more will be published on the IBM i Access product website: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/software/i/access/index.html - The User's Guide that is installed with this package contains information on using the product, some tips and techniques, messages, and troubleshooting information. - Technical references to the OLE DB provider and the .NET Data Provider are installed when the Headers, Libraries and Documentation feature is installed. You can find the technical references in the Programmer's Toolkit folder. - The IBM i Information Center provides a collection of topics designed for IBM i professionals who need access to technical information: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/eserver/ibmi.html - At the time of this publication, the IBM i Information Center did not include topics about IBM i Access Client Solutions. However, much of the information under IBM i Access for Windows is applicable to this package of IBM i Access Client Solutions, including the installation, administration and programming topics: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v7r1m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Frzahg%2Frzahgicca2.htm - IBM i developerWorks contains articles, tutorials, and technical resources for IBM i users: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ibmi - The IBM i website offers the latest IBM i news, as well as product information, a reference library, education roadmaps, and more: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 Installation Information ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Supported Windows Operating Systems --------------------------------------- This package can be installed on the following Microsoft Windows operating systems: - Windows Server 2022 Standard, Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - Windows Server 2019 Standard, Windows Server 2019 Datacenter - Windows Server 2016 Standard, Windows Server 2016 Datacenter - Windows 11 Pro, Windows 11 Enterprise - Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise - Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Windows Server 2012 R2 The following restrictions apply: a) Home editions are not supported. b) You must use Windows service pack levels that Microsoft supports. c) Support will discontinue on the date that Microsoft drops support. d) Installation is not supported on Itanium hardware. e) Use Microsoft Windows hardware and memory recommendations. Include an additional 256 MB of memory for IBM i Access Client Solution functions. f) The product cannot be installed when upgrading to a different Windows operating system. Follow these steps: 1. Save configuration data. 2. Uninstall the product. 3. Upgrade the Windows operating system. 4. Install the product. 5. Restore the configuration data. 3.2 Installation Considerations -------------------------------------------------- - Administrative authority and privileges are required to run the install. - Only per-machine installations are supported. Per-user installations are not supported. - Windows Installer 4.5 is required. This Microsoft software component is installed during the install if it is not already present on the system. You can install this before the install by downloading it from the Microsoft web site: http://www.microsoft.com/DownLoads/details.aspx?familyid=5A58B56F-60B6-4412-95B9-54D056D6F9F4 3.3 Upgrading from IBM i Access for Windows ------------------------------------------- - Upgrading from IBM i Access for Windows is not supported. You must remove IBM i Access for Windows before you install this package. - Refer to Section 1.0 for the list of features that are not included. If you want to continue using features in IBM i Access for Windows not included in this package, do not install this package and continue to use the latest service pack of 7.1 IBM i Access for Windows. - When IBM i Access for Windows is uninstalled, the existing system configuration will be deleted. To preserve the existing system configuration, you will need to save the configuration before uninstalling IBM i Access for Windows and then restore the configuration after IBM i Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package has been installed. Here are the detailed steps for saving and restoring your configuration: 1. Use the CWBBACK command to backup the IBM i Access for Windows configuration. cwbback /u For example: cwbback C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\Backup\IAWIN_CONFIG.RS /u This example assumes the folder C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\Backup already exists. The above command will create two files in that folder: IAWIN_CONFIG.RS IAWIN_CONFIG.ts Make sure these two files were created before going to the next step. NOTE: If the above two files did not get created, then you do not have a saved configuration. Try running the command as an elevated administrator. One way to do that is to start a command prompt as follows: Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt But instead of using the left-click on Command Prompt, use a right-click and select the option to "Run as administrator". Run the above cwbback command using this command prompt. Make sure the above two files were created before going to the next step. 2. Uninstall IBM i Access for Windows. 3. Reboot. 4. Install IBM i Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package. 5. Reboot. 6. Use the CWBREST command to restore the configuration that was saved with the CWBBACK command. cwbrest /c For example: cwbrest C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\Backup\IAWIN_CONFIG.RS /c If you were required to follow the instructions in the NOTE in step 1, you will also need to run the cwbrest command from an elevated administrator command prompt. - There are a couple ways you can verify your Windows configuration before and after the above steps: 1. Check the Windows registry. The system configurations are stored at: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IBM\Client Access Express\CurrentVersion\Environments\My Connections To view the contents of the Windows registry at that location, enter this command: reg query "HKCU\Software\IBM\Client Access Express\CurrentVersion\Environments\My Connections" If you have an environment named something other than the default "My Connections", make the appropriate substitution in the above path. 2. If you have the platform-independent version of IBM i Access Client Solutions on the same PC, from the main GUI panel you can select: File->Copy Connections The right side will show "IBM i Access (Windows)". This is the configuration used for both IBM i Access for Windows and for IBM i Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package. 3.4 Running the Install ----------------------- - Run setup.exe in the installation image to start the install. (The command cwblaunch.exe is not shipped with this product.) NOTE: Direct invocation of Microsoft Installer (MSI) files is not recommended because setup.exe uses setup.ini for a list of command line options to be used and to update the Windows Installer version if needed. - It is recommended that you use the default destination folder. However, if you change the folder: a) Do not select the root directory of a drive. b) Do not select a directory that already contains files not related to this product. c) Do not select a network drive. Installing to a network drive is not supported. 3.5 Action Required After Installing Printer Driver --------------------------------------------------- If you install the APF printer driver, you must take action before using the printer driver. This is needed because the printer driver cannot be automatically added or updated during the install since the printer driver is not digitally signed by Microsoft. During the install, the printer driver files are copied to a subdirectory named CWBAFP under the destination path that is chosen. Assuming that you installed to the default destination path, the path would be: c:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\CWBAFP directory Use Microsoft's directions in their help text to add or update the printer driver. When prompted, specify the path to CWBAFP. If you are installing on a PC that has upgraded the IBM i Access for Windows product over multiple releases, some old information may possibly be displayed when you configure the printer driver. To remove the obsolete information from .inf files, do the following after you have completed the install: a) Open a command prompt window. b) Change the directory to your installation directory. The default installation directory is c:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access. c) Type "cwbrminf" and press Enter. 3.6 64-bit hardware installation considerations ----------------------------------------------- When installed on a supported 64-bit Windows operating system: - Both the 32-bit version and the 64-bit version are installed for ODBC, OLE DB, ActiveX, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). - The IBM i Access for Windows .NET provider runs from both 32-bit and from 64-bit applications, dependent upon the application calling the provider. - Only one version of the AFP Printer Driver is installed. The 64-bit version is installed on 64-bit systems and the 32-bit version is installed on 32-bit systems. 3.7 Installation logs --------------------- Two logs are created during the installation. One of the logs is specific to XJ1 and contains the product's custom action information. This log is named "xe1instlog.txt" and is always created in the user's temp directory. The other log is the Microsoft MSI log that contains information about MSI events, sequences, and properties. By default, this log is named "xe1instlogmsi.txt" and is created in the user's temp directory. You can change this log by editing setup.ini in the installation image. Go to the [Startup] keyword, find, and edit this entry: CmdLine=/l*vx "%temp%\xj1instlogmsi.txt" - To prevent the creation of the log, remove the entry - To change the location and name of the log, change the path and file name - To change the content of the log, change the /l* to a different option(s) as described by Microsoft's MSDN Windows Installer Command Line Options at this location http://msdn.microsoft.com/default.aspx The default command line information in setup.ini can by overridden by starting setup.exe at the command prompt with command line options. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries .NET Provider requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------- - The IBM i Access for Windows .NET Provider (IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries) requires that Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 or later be installed on your system. Most PCs running supported Microsoft operating systems already have the required .NET Framework installed. The .NET Framework can be downloaded from the following Microsoft Web site: http://www.microsoft.com/net - To avoid breaking .NET applications that were written to the Access for Windows 5.3 or 5.4 .NET provider interface, runtime requests for the version of the .NET provider must be redirected to the version. See the "Incompatible changes from 5.3 and 5.4" topic in the IBM DB2 for i .NET Provider Technical Reference for instructions on using an app.config file, a web.config file, or a machine.config file and for information on selecting an appropiate compiler for redirecting existing applications. Alternatively, the application can be recompiled using a newer compiler to target the version of the .NET provider included in the IBM i Access for Windows 7.1 release. - For complete information and a list of incompatible changes, install the Headers, Libraries, and Documentation feature, and then display the .NET Provider Technical Reference. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 Microsoft XML Parser or Microsoft XML Core Services ------------------------------------------------------------------- When using the IBM i Access for Windows Data Transfer ActiveX automation objects to transfer files to and from Microsoft Excel XML format (supported by Excel 2003 and Excel XP), additional software must be installed on your PC. This feature requires that the Microsoft XML Parser 3.0 or beyond, also known as the Microsoft XML Core Services, is installed on your personal computer. The XML Parser is included in many Microsoft products. To determine if the XML Parser support is installed on your PC, refer to Microsoft KB article 278674. This article can be found at the Microsoft web site at: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/278674 If the Microsoft XML Parser 3.0 or later is not found, you will need to access the Microsoft web for instructions on downloading and installing the XML Parser before you can use the Data Transfer XML support. Refer to Microsoft KB article 324460 for information about installing the XML Parser. This article can be found at: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324460 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 Advanced Installation Information ------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use most of the information on modifying the user interface level, using command line parameters, controlling other installation behavior and deployment methods in the "Setting up the PC" topic in the IBM i Information Center for IBM i Access for Windows. Differences are described in this section. 6.1 Licensed Product Information ---------------------------------- 5733XJ1 is not packaged as a Licensed Product to be installed on the IBM i operating system. It is only available as PC media. You can copy it to the IBM i at a location that is available to your users, if you desire. 6.2 Language Files in the Installation Image -------------------------------------------- The language install files are no longer separated into different MRI29xx directories in the installation image. Instead there are separate cab files for each language. You cannot remove these cab files from the image. 6.3 Install Features -------------------- Some install features in IBM i Access for Windows depended on other install features to be installed. This restriction is not applicable to this package. The following install features are required to be installed: req (Required Programs) langacs, amri2924 (English) All other install features are installed by default but you can change the setting. Languages are now install features, just like Required Programs, ODBC, etc. Because languages are install features, you can control which languages are installed using the same methods used to control any install feature. The install feature names for the languages are amri29xx. 6.4 Command line options ------------------------ The default command line options are specified in the setup.ini file included in the installation image. These options will be ignored if you invoke setup.exe from the command line with any options specified. If you are using a transform on the command line, the command line values in setup.ini will be ignored because the transform is an option. You will need to include other options on the command line to such as the logging information. See Section 3.7 Installation logs for more information. 6.5 Public Properties --------------------- Some of the IBM i Access for Windows public properties are applicable to this package. The usage has some changes from the usage in IBM i Access for Windows, as described here: CWBINSTALLTYPE This property is only used on a first time installation. The only values are Typical and Custom. The default is Typical. Example: setup /vCWBINSTALLTYPE=Typical CWBPRIMARYLANG The default primary language is the locale of your PC. This property allows you to specify a different primary language. The value to use is MRI29xx. Example: setup /vCWBPRIMARYLANG=MRI2989 CWBUPGSSLFILES The usage of this property is the same as IBM i Access for Windows. It allows you to upgrade the SSL files during an upgrade. If the configuration files for SSL are found on the target PC, the files will be updated with the latest certificates. The values are Yes and No. The default is Yes. Example: setup /vCWBUPGSSLFILES=NO The common Windows Installer properties listed in the IBM i Access for Windows Information Center topic remain applicable: ADDLOCAL, REMOVE, INSTALLDIR, TARGETDIR. There is a restriction on using the REBOOT Windows Installer property with IBM i Access for Windows. This restriction is not applicable to this package. 6.6 Burning Administrative Images to CD or DVD ---------------------------------------------- Due to issues with how some CD- and DVD-burning software handle long file names, burning an administrative image to a CD or DVD is not recommended. If you experience problems installing from a CD or DVD that contains an administrative image of IBM i Access for Windows, copy the image to a directory on the local hard drive and run setup.exe from the local copy. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.0 Policy Information ------------------------------------------------------------------- The same policy file is used for both this package and IBM i Access for Windows. That means that some of those policies are not applicable when used for this package since some of the function in IBM i Access for Windows does not exist in this package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.0 Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------- The commands in IBM i Access for Windows that are not included in this package: cwbdsk.exe cwbemcup.exe cwbinplg.exe cwbin5250.exe cwbunins.exe cwblaunch.exe cwblog.exe cwbsvd.exe cwbtf.exe cwbuisxe.exe cwbunnav.exe cwbunrse.exe cwb3uic.exe lstsplf.exe rmtcmd.exe rfrompcb.exe rtopcb.exe rxferpcb.exe srvview.exe strapp.exe [END OF DOCUMENT]