Reconciliation Tool  

Accounts Receivable Reconciliation
Step Action Note
1. Post

Ensure all entries are posted.

BL Post Entries

 Click the BL Post Entries link and post.


AR Post Entries

 Click the AR Post Entries link and post.


GL Post Entries

Click the GL Post Entries link; then select Post Entries under the Task menu.

Note:  Review posting journals for rejecting entries that must be corrected.

2. Data Verification


Data Verification Report

Coming Soon!

3. AR Summary Reconciliation


AR Summary

Review the summary report  to determine if your AR and if applicable RP accounts balance with GL.

Note: This report displays the cash account, however, it will not be in balance and will be removed in a future release.

If the accounts are in balance skip to step 7 to print period end reports, otherwise 
    continue with step 4. 
4. Detail

Batch Detail: Identify which batches are out of balance

Totals by Batch

This step allows you to perform a more detailed analysis of your transactions by reviewing batches to see if any do not balance to GL.  This report offers drill-down capability into each batch to see the transaction detail.

5. Common causes if out of balance

Unexplained entries

Accounts Receivable Entries

Use this report to identify entries made to receivable accounts that did not originate in Accounts Receivable, Service Management or Billing.  

How to correct:

Reverse the original transaction and enter the correction in AR.

Unposted Transactions

Unposted AR Transactions in GL

When AR transactions are not posted or rejected in GL,  an out-of-balance situation results.  This can happen, for example, when you post to a closed month.  This report will help determine if these transactions are the cause of the out-of-balance situation.

How to correct:

In the Knowledgebase type article number KB34306 in the Search for a Solution section for invoices to a future period. Then follow the instructions in the article.

In the Knowledgebase type article number KB206251 in the Search for a Solution section for invoices with a future period using manual batches.  Then follow the instructions in the article.

In the Knowledgebase type article number KB114464 in the Search for a Solution section for invoices to a prior period. Then follow the instructions in the article.

Wrong Account Override

Account Entry Review

This report helps you identify transactions that posted to the wrong AR account because the account was manually overridden during entry.

Unapplied Cash Receipts

Unapplied Cash Receipts

This report helps you identify unapplied cash receipts that may cause an out-of-balance situation.

6. Repeat

Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 as needed for each account and/or batch that is out of balance.



7. Period End Reports


AR Aging - Detail by Customer

Period End Report

Print common period end reports, such as the AR Aging - Detail by Customer and the Period End Report.

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